Contoh CV (Curriculum Vitae) Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik dan Benar Terbaru 2016 | TEORI PENDIDIKAN
Contoh CV atau contoh Curriculum Vitae menjadi sangat penting ketika anda berniat untuk mendaftar satu pekerjaan atau hal lain yang membutuhkan data diri anda. CV atau Curriculum Vitae menjadi salah satu unsur penting khususnya dalam mengajukan surat lamaran kerja. Dengan demikian CV kemudian menjadi salah satu topik yang banyak dicari di Internet. - See more at:
Contoh CV (Curriculum Vitae) Bahasa Inggris - Contoh CV atau contoh Curriculum Vitae menjadi sangat penting ketika anda berniat untuk mendaftar satu pekerjaan atau hal lain yang membutuhkan data diri anda. CV atau Curriculum Vitae menjadi salah satu unsur penting khususnya dalam mengajukan surat lamaran kerja. Dengan demikian CV kemudian menjadi salah satu topik yang banyak dicari di Internet.
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Contoh CV (Curriculum Vitae)Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik dan Benar Terbaru 2016
Personal DataFull Name : Latif KhanPlace Date of Birth : Tasikmalaya , 13 November 1989Gender : MaleMarital Status : Not MarriedLast Education :Islamic economics graduate in Uin Ar-Raniry Banda AcehAddress :jamanis sindangraja Tasikmalaya Jawa baratNo. Mobile : 089867678913Formal Education1995 - 2001: SDN 1 Tasikamalaya2001 - 2004: SMPN 17 Tasikamalaya2004 - 2007: SMAN 3 Tasikamalaya2007 - 2014: S1Upi TasikamalayaOrganizational experienceMarch 2008 - March 2009: Members of the Association of majors UIN Ar-Raniry Banda AcehJanuary 2009 - January 2012: Members of Student Activity Unit UIN Ar-raniry Banda AcehWork experienceJanuary 2011 - Desember 2011: Marketing In CV. Saudara BaruSimilarly , the resume I created with truth and truth can be accounted for.Latif Khan
I. PERSONAL DETAILSName : Kutil nonnong
Mailing Address : Jamanis Tasikmalaya
Malang 65100
Contact Number : 1. 0341-569346 2. 08125261609
Place , Date of Birth :Tasikmalaya , November 27 , 1979
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Christian
Nationality : Indonesian
1. 1986 – 1992 State Elementary School Kaligondo 1 Genteng
2. 1992 – 1995 State Junior High School 1 Genteng
3. 1995 – 1998 State Senior High School 2 Genteng
4. 2000 – 2003 Accounting Department State Polytechnic Of Malang
GPA = 2.90 (scale 4)
PREDICATE = Very Satisfactory
August – September 2002 on the job training at PT. Jasa Raharja
(Persero) Tasikamalaya
August 2001 English Course at EL RAHMA
May 2003 TOEFL Test at State Polytechnic of Tasikamlaya
Microsoft Word , Microsoft Excel , Microsoft Access , Microsoft Power Point , Myob , Visual Foxpro.
This is to state that above information is true and provided here by me , all in good faith.
Sincerely yours ,
(Amaradina Prastikasari Dewi)
Contoh CV Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Contoh CV Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Full Name: Muhammad AndrianGender : malePlace , Date of Birth: Bandung , March 12 , 1989Address: Desa bandung RT 01/ 04 , No 2 Cistrict Kembaranan Banyuwangi East JavaReligion: IslamNationality: IndonesiaMarital Status: MarriedHeight , Weight: 170 cm , 60 kgMobile: 082138386055Phone: 0281 - 234234234E-mail:
Educational Background
1996 - 2000: Taman Mentari Elementary School , Bandung2000 - 2003: Demi Bandung Jaya Junior High School , Bandung2003 - 2007: Sembilan Bintang , Bandung2007 - 2010: Islamic Education Department at the Syarif hidayatullah University ( UIN) , Jakarta
Course & Education
1998 - 1999: Computer & Internet Course at Balatker Bandung , Bandung1999 - 2002: English Language Course at EFC Bandung , Bandung
2007 – 2008 : Leader Of Karangtaruna Desa SukaBlog
2007 – 2008 : Head of Education and life sill Department Surabaya
2007 – 2008 : DEMA UIN Jakarta
2003 – 2004 :
2008 – 2009 : Head Of DPD HIMABA , central java
2007 – 2009 : Teacher in Al Azhar Senior High School Bandung
2007 – 2008 : Teacher in MA Bakung Bandung
Programming , Information Networking , microsoft excel , microsoft word , Internet Programming , microsoft access , microsoft power point , graphic design visual basic , adobe photosop , corel draw.
Good attitude , target oriented , communicative , kind , be responsible , diligent , tolerant.
Bandung October 19 , 2014
Muhammad Andrian
- See more at: : male
Place , Date of Birth: Bandung , March 12 , 1989
Address: Desa bandung RT 01/ 04 , No 2 Cistrict Kembaranan Banyuwangi East Java
Religion: Islam
Nationality: Indonesia
Marital Status: Married
Height , Weight: 170 cm , 60 kg
Mobile: 082138386055
Phone: 0281 - 234234234
Educational Background
1996 - 2000: Taman Mentari Elementary School , Bandung
2000 - 2003: Demi Bandung Jaya Junior High School , Bandung
2003 - 2007: Sembilan Bintang , Bandung
2007 - 2010: Islamic Education Department at the Syarif hidayatullah University ( UIN) , Jakarta
Course & Education
1998 - 1999: Computer & Internet Course at Balatker Bandung , Bandung
1999 - 2002: English Language Course at EFC Bandung , Bandung
2007 – 2008 : Leader Of Karangtaruna Desa SukaBlog
2007 – 2008 : Head of Education and life sill Department Surabaya
2007 – 2008 : DEMA UIN Jakarta
2003 – 2004 :
2008 – 2009 : Head Of DPD HIMABA , central java
Working Experience
2007 – 2009 : Teacher in Al Azhar Senior High SchoolTasikmalaya
007 – 2008 : Teacher in MA Bakung Tasikmalaya
Programming , Information Networking , microsoft excel , microsoft word , Internet Programming , microsoft access , microsoft power point , graphic design visual basic , adobe photosop , corel draw.
Good attitude , target oriented , communicative , kind , be responsible , diligent , tolerant.
Tasikmalaya October 19 , 2016
Muhammad Andrian
Muhammad Andrian
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